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Thank You's

On the road to becoming a Celebrity seeker, there are many people that will either hurt or hinder your quest! This page is dedicated to those who have helped me out. For those who hurt my journey, you won't be hearing any gratitude from me. (You know who you are...hotel folk, bad drivers, psycho bus drivers, ect.)

This may sound weird, but first of all, I need to thank Townsend (well, formerly). Those guys helped me become a better driver because we had to go everywhere! You guys helped me to learn how to keep my cool around celebs and that is key! So thanks!

To Vicky, for giving me this site!

Tiffany: For thinking of the name for this site!

My parents: You guys let me do many things and those have really out-weighed the times when you told me no.

To Auntie Zeph and Uncle Dennis: Thanks for always welcoming me and whoever I was bringing and providing us with shelter and food when we visited So Cal. And giving me my car too!

To Mon and her Family, and all the other people who have given me shelter when I decide to take a road trip to meet a celeb, lol.

Lindsey: You have been a constant source of light in my life! You made the first trip to LA all that much better! You made the Townsend escapade funny! You will always be with me! I will miss you forever!

To anyone who has come along for the ride. You know who you are. Without you guys, the experiences would suck major ass.

To everyone mentioned in the write-ups from concerts/meetings/stalking, etc, Thanks for making the experiences even more memorable.

To whoever invented public bathrooms and rest stops!

To everyone who will be accompanying me in the future!

Celebrities: Most of the time, you guys are super nice! Thanks for coming to see us in our cities and thanks for hanging around LA!

To my friends, family and other acquaintances who have not been mentioned, you guys rock!

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© Celebrity Obsession 2009